I just wanted to write out loud that CsvHelper in C# to read and write CSV file is absolutely awesome, it is a must to have. This library just saved me countless of times. Many thanks to its author Josh Close.
mardi 1 novembre 2022
dimanche 18 avril 2021
ANTLR parser for simple expression
Yes this is a very long time that I did not post anything... I recently had to make an interpreter (in swift) of quite simple expression. I thought of reusing it in some C# programs. My first thought were immediately to ANTLR (which I used in Java few years ago). My second thought was to use Lemon, in C, it would have worked with swift because of Objective-C but I could not have used it in C# (please no interop).
I really advise the plugin in Intellij, it was so easy to use: right click on the rule you want to test...
expr: '(' e=expr ')' # paren
| name=KEYWORD '(' expr (',' expr)* ')' # fun
| left=expr op=('*' | '/') right=expr # mul
| left=expr op=('+' | '-') right=expr # add
| VARIABLE # variable
| DECIMAL # decimal
| INT # int
| STRING # string
| # empty
fragment LETTER: [a-zA-Z];
fragment DIGIT: [0-9];
STRING : '"' ~('"')* '"';
and the program to parse a string would be (in kotlin):
val expression = "=coucou(12,23,34,56)"
val stream: CharStream = CharStreams.fromString(expression)
val lexer = MobiExprLexer(stream)
val tokenStream: TokenStream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
val parser = MyExprParser(tokenStream)
val tree: ParseTree = parser.prog()
val result: Int = MyInterpreter().visit(tree)
An interesting thing is that we use a visitor to interpret the AST
and here below how we can retrieve all parameters of a function:
here the rule as reminder: | name=KEYWORD '(' expr (',' expr)* ')' # fun
class MyInterpreter : MyExprBaseVisitor<Int>() {
override fun visitFun(ctx: FunContext): Int {
// expr() will be a list of all expr nodes, meaning all parameters
val params = ctx.expr().map { visit(it) }
// once we visit each of them, we now have the values to interpret the function
For those who were wondering, I now think that it is better to discouple the grammar from the implementation, it is allowing the grammar to be reused in multiple languages.
I personally also enjoyed doing some kotlin again :-)
Hope it was useful for you.
See you
samedi 12 mai 2018
Scala - try with resources
I started from this code and I enhanced it to look like my previous post for Kotlin.
find this code in https://github.com/spointeau/scala-using-autoClose/blob/master/MainUsing.scala
I also did re-implement the .use{} that I generally use in Kotlin when I deal with only 1 or 2 resources max. The implementation was so simple by reusing the autoClose. You can find the code in the same github file.
Close test2
May 13, 2018 1:04:27 AM arm$using$ $anonfun$apply$1
WARNING: Close Exception test2
Close test1
java.lang.Exception: Close Exception test1
at TestToClose.close(MainUsing.scala:166)
at arm$using$.$anonfun$apply$1(MainUsing.scala:119)
at arm$using$.$anonfun$apply$1$adapted(MainUsing.scala:117)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:389)
at arm$using$.apply(MainUsing.scala:117)
at MainUsing$.delayedEndpoint$MainUsing$1(MainUsing.scala:177)
at MainUsing$delayedInit$body.apply(MainUsing.scala:173)
at scala.Function0.apply$mcV$sp(Function0.scala:34)
at scala.Function0.apply$mcV$sp$(Function0.scala:34)
at scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0.apply$mcV$sp(AbstractFunction0.scala:12)
at scala.App.$anonfun$main$1$adapted(App.scala:76)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:389)
at scala.App.main(App.scala:76)
at scala.App.main$(App.scala:74)
at MainUsing$.main(MainUsing.scala:173)
at MainUsing.main(MainUsing.scala)
Close test3
Close test4
java.lang.Exception: Close Exception test4
at TestToClose.close(MainUsing.scala:166)
at arm$using$.$anonfun$apply$1(MainUsing.scala:119)
at arm$using$.$anonfun$apply$1$adapted(MainUsing.scala:117)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:389)
at arm$using$.apply(MainUsing.scala:117)
at arm$AutoCloseResource$.use$extension1(MainUsing.scala:152)
at arm$AutoCloseResource$.use$extension0(MainUsing.scala:150)
at MainUsing$.delayedEndpoint$MainUsing$1(MainUsing.scala:193)
at MainUsing$delayedInit$body.apply(MainUsing.scala:173)
at scala.Function0.apply$mcV$sp(Function0.scala:34)
at scala.Function0.apply$mcV$sp$(Function0.scala:34)
at scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0.apply$mcV$sp(AbstractFunction0.scala:12)
at scala.App.$anonfun$main$1$adapted(App.scala:76)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:389)
at scala.App.main(App.scala:76)
at scala.App.main$(App.scala:74)
at MainUsing$.main(MainUsing.scala:173)
at MainUsing.main(MainUsing.scala)
did it help you?
jeudi 10 mai 2018
kotlin - try with resources
I recently tried Scala and during my learning of Scala, I immediately wondered how to close properly the resource like the try-with-resources from Java. I was really hoping that it was built-in but it is not unfortunately.
Then I thought about Kotlin, which has now the .use {} pattern. However I know by experience that it can be cumbersome if we have multiple resources, ending with a lot of nested . use{ .use{ .use{} } }
Did you think how the kotlin .use{} or the java try-with-resources works if the close raises an exception? it just raises.
what if we don't want the close to raise?
In java, the best approach I have see is to wrap the resource as explained here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6889697/close-resource-quietly-using-try-with-resources
basically to wrap the resource like
try(QuietResourceqr = new QuietResource<>(new MyResource())){
MyResource r = qr.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
While we can use the same approach for kotlin and wrap the resource and apply the .use{} on this wrapper, I would like to avoid all the nested use{} when we have multiple resources.
Inspired by the "using" block proposed by one member of the JetBrains team
I started from there and improved it for the exception handling. I wanted to be able also to control if the close must raise or at least the exception must appear in the log.
IMO the standard behaviour must be kept to raise if the close raises an exception but we should be able to make it closing quietly without exception and log it to keep an eye on it. Of course, all resources must be closed even so some raised an exception.
My proposed code is
class UsingResourceHolder { data class Resource(val x: AutoCloseable, val canThrow: Boolean, val doLog: Boolean) internal val resources = LinkedList() var logger: Logger? = Logger.getLogger("global") fun <T : AutoCloseable> T.autoClose(canThrow:Boolean = true, log:Boolean = false): T { resources.addFirst(Resource(this, canThrow = canThrow, doLog = log)) return this } fun <T : AutoCloseable> T.autoCloseQuietly(log:Boolean = false): T { return this.autoClose(canThrow=false,log=log) } } fun <R> using(block: UsingResourceHolder.() -> R): R { val holder = UsingResourceHolder() var globalException: Throwable? = null var exceptionOnClose: Throwable? = null try { return holder.block() } catch(t: Throwable) { globalException = t throw t } finally { holder.resources.forEach { r -> try { r.x.close() } catch (e: Exception) { if( globalException == null ) { if( r.canThrow ) { if (exceptionOnClose == null) exceptionOnClose = e else exceptionOnClose!!.addSuppressed(e) } else if(r.doLog) { holder.logger?.warning(e.message) } } else { if( r.canThrow ) globalException!!.addSuppressed(e) } } } if (exceptionOnClose != null) throw exceptionOnClose!! } }
and how to use it:
and the output is:
May 12, 2018 8:01:25 PM TryWithResourceKt using
WARNING: exception from ExceptionMaker.ex3
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: exception from ExceptionMaker.ex2
at ExceptionMaker.close(TryWithResource.kt:69)
at TryWithResourceKt.using(TryWithResource.kt:39)
at TryWithResourceKt.main(TryWithResource.kt:75)
Suppressed: java.lang.Exception: exception from ExceptionMaker.ex1
... 3 more
In case the using block is raising an exception, the exceptions from the close are then suppressed by this main exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Code failure
at TryWithResourceKt$main$1.invoke(TryWithResource.kt:81)
at TryWithResourceKt$main$1.invoke(TryWithResource.kt)
at TryWithResourceKt.using(TryWithResource.kt:30)
at TryWithResourceKt.main(TryWithResource.kt:75)
Suppressed: java.lang.Exception: exception from ExceptionMaker.ex2
at ExceptionMaker.close(TryWithResource.kt:69)
at TryWithResourceKt.using(TryWithResource.kt:39)
... 1 more
Suppressed: java.lang.Exception: exception from ExceptionMaker.ex1
at ExceptionMaker.close(TryWithResource.kt:69)
at TryWithResourceKt.using(TryWithResource.kt:39)
... 1 more
What do you think?
dimanche 13 mars 2016
magic mouse 2 and mighty mouse
Yesterday I bought a magic mouse 2 because I had a mighty mouse but the scroll was not functioning anymore...
the new mouse is great, but it is not working anymore on my mousepad... The best I found is the put a sheet of paper white on top of my mousepad. Actually it worked great! and it still feels nice.
Furthermore I repaired my mighty mouse by putting few drop of alcool 70°... amazing isn't it?
jeudi 21 janvier 2016
It is a long time I did not blog.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! BEST WISHES FOR 2016!
Recently I met Kotlin, a new language running on the JVM.
This new language is just fantastic, I love the extension functions and the not checked exception.
I like Java very much but I found more pleasure with Kotlin.
EDIT: note to JetBrains, please add Kotlin support for JavaFX, and fix the slowness issue with jOOQ, these are the 2 only points holding me to switch completely to kotlin. Actually I have a 3rd point: the try with closable objects, I use for now a kotlin construct "using" that I would prefer to see in the language or in the std lib.
EDIT2: all the points above have been fixed, we can now make controllers in kotlin for javafx, jooq is not longer that slow and the "use{}" is in the standard lib. However I propose another method (in one of my next post) that is more convenient if we have a lot of resources to close in order to avoid many nested .use{}