samedi 28 septembre 2013

python install without admin rights


I started recently some programming in python but I needed to install it first on a windows machine without admin rights.... but how to do it, many forums came to the "portable python" and it works, it is just outdated 3.2.x, and as a good programmer (sigh) I wanted to have the latest of course.

The procedure is actually very simple, just download the msi installer from and type the command:
> C:\development\apps>msiexec /a python-3.3.2.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\development\apps\python33

then python will be in the directory specified by TARGETDIR.

enjoy python!

but hold on a minute ... what about an editor?  komodo-edit for instance?

download and type:
> msiexec /a Komodo-Edit-8.5.0-13638.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\development\Apps\Komodo-Edit

enjoy python even more!

(as usual, let me know if it has been useful for you.)

dimanche 8 septembre 2013

Apex and CSS


I am working with Oracle / Apex and I had the css using images on a different server. As these links were http and we had to work on https, IE 8 didn't stop to display security message (https security compromised by http calls), so we had to fix the css...

but how? the images should become local in the workspace images but how to reference them?

Unfortunately it doesn't work because Apex doesn't make the substitution, but then are we .... stuck?

I thought that it wouldn't be possible to do anything but I found CSSEMBED

the jar file can be found in the link above but I repeat it:
wonderful, just had to execute this command:
java -jar cssembed-x.y.z.jar -o output_filename.css input_filename.css
and my css has now the images inlined. just wonderful.

Thanks Nicholas C. Zakas for this great product.

Happy coding.